Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dentitis - Inflammation of a dental student

A long cherished dream is turning sour
Life is thrown out of my power

to become a dentist is akin to
tolerating torture, I never knew

Paying fines out of my pocket money, 
is now getting on my nerves, honey!!

Getting scolded for no mistake of mine,
thrown out of class, standing in a line

Sleeping in lectures that never seem to end
Passing time by miscalling friends

Being demotivated by teachers countless times
motivates me to write this rhyme

The postings turn out to be the worst nightmare
they subject us to torture one cannot bear

and the torture does not end here,
you can even fail is the worst fear

The only relief is the smelly canteen
a rare place for smiles to be seen

with tasty pulao and cold coffee to savour
we try to destress entire day's labour

The exam time is one helluva ride
cracking our domes, staying up all night

Caffiene addiction is the last measure
If that doesnt work, chits are our treasure ;)

The pracs are another thing we fear
the unidentifiable spots throw us outta gear!!

and the slides are our ultimate fascination
with cells dancing, giving no sign of recognition

Next comes vivas where we have a tought time
Even after studying, we end up like a mime

This precisely is the life we spend
Praying one day it ll come to an end

I wrote this when I was in III year, had joined the college after an undeserved exile, everything seemed so dark n shady then, m glad I was able to change things over the years!!
 This poem was written during one of the boring lectures I was forced to attend!!